Coaches to have say on cap: Malthouse

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 06 Maret 2013 | 18.48

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Meeting ... Mick Malthouse wants all coaches to have a say on rules. Source: George Salpigtidis / News Limited

A meeting with the AFL's rule-makers has reassured Carlton coach Mick Malthouse that he and his colleagues will get their say on next year's interchange cap.

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And the authors of the AFL's own annual injury survey say they've found nothing to convince them a cap will reduce injuries.

After AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou declared on Tuesday a cap was a certainty for next year, Malthouse said on Wednesday the league should at least set a limit that suits clubs.

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He said that would be well above the maximum of 80 rotations being trialled this pre-season.

Last season clubs averaged 131.

"I'm sure each club would have an optimum number,'' Malthouse told reporters.

"If you took that over 18 clubs and knocked off the bottom one and the top one then you're going to get somewhere near the number that most clubs think is the right number.''

Malthouse's meeting with the AFL's laws of the game committee came after the three-time premiership coach questioned whether the committee was being dominated by one or two figures who were out of touch with the modern game.

In return, committee member Kevin Bartlett accused coaches of acting purely out of self-interest and riding roughshod over the game.

On Wednesday, Malthouse was more conciliatory.

He said the committee convinced him it had the game's interests at heart.

He, in turn, had stressed that coaches also valued the game and its players.

Malthouse pointed to former Port Adelaide coach Mark Williams advocating rule changes to protect players' heads, despite the adverse effect on the career of his own hard-hitting player Byron Pickett.

"He was virtually nailing the coffin of that player, at the detriment of his football club, for the betterment of the game,'' Malthouse said.

Malthouse maintains there is evidence that increased rotations decreases injuries, which the AFL's injury survey, released on Wednesday, did nothing to contradict.

It found that AFL players missed fewer games through injury last year than for any other season since 2008, when rotations averaged 81.

"I don't think we can draw interpretations about caps or no caps from this particular data,'' survey co-author Hugh Seward said.

But while many coaches and players fiercely oppose a cap, West Coast coach John Worsfold says it will bring greater player fatigue so there will be more one-on-one rivalries and special moments.

"You'll see the old Gary Pert on Tony Lockett, and you'll know it's going to happen a couple of times each year over 10 years,'' Worsfold said.

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